Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Celtic Line

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Celtic Line (J6x32) 32 bar jig for three couples in a three couple longwise set Eddy West 2001

1-8 First, second and third couples dance right shoulder reels on the sides.
9-12 First man and second lady turn with right hands back to place.
13-16 First lady and second man turn 1¼ times with left hands to finish in a diagonal line between their partners, facing their own partner.
17-24 First and second couples dance half a modified Celtic Reel, finishing on opposite sides in changed places.
17-18 Change places with partners passing right shoulders.
19-20 First lady and second man dance a curved track across to their original places and face in diagonally, first man and second lady dance round each other ¾ of the way round passing left shoulder to face their partners.
21-22 Change places with partners passing right shoulders.
23-24 First man dances down to second lady's place and second lady dances up to first man's place, while first lady and second man pass left shoulder to dance out to opposite sides, first lady in second man's place, second man in first lady's place.
25-28 First and third couples set and dance half right hands across to finish facing down holding partner's right hands.
29-32 First couple cross and cast up to second place, third couple dance down and cast into third place, all are on opposite sides in order 2,1,3.

The set now inverts and the dance is repeated with third couple leading from the original bottom.

On the third repeat the second couple lead from the original top, the dance is then repeated three more times so that each couple leads from each end.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Eddy West 2001)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

Suggested music: "Jig selection" recorded by Green Ginger on the CD "Miss Ogilvie's Fancy".

(Dance information by the deviser, Eddy West)

Published in (, The Celtic Line, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Eddy West.

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