Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Celtic Square (West)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Celtic Square (West) (J4x32) 32 bar jig for four couples in a square set, Eddy West, 2003.

1-4 Facing partners all set then dance a petronella turn, ladies finish back to back in the centre men facing them.
5-8 All set to partners and half turn with right hands to change places.
9-16 All dance half a double Celtic Reel:
 9-10 All change places with partner passing right shoulder.
 11-12 Men dance clockwise a quarter of the way round while ladies dance round one another passing left shoulder ¾ of the way to face partners.
 13-14 All change places with partner passing right shoulder.
 15-16 Ladies dance clockwise a quarter of the way round while men dance round one another passing left shoulder ¾ of the way to face partners.
17-24 All petronella turn back into a square formation, ladies on men's right and set. All turn partners, all face clockwise, all dance on a quarter of the way round the set.
25-32 All circle eight hands round and back.

Repeat from new positions.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Eddy West 2003)

Dance Information

Also see the dance Celtic Square (Charlton) by Brian Charlton.

Suggested music: "The British Immigrant" Ed Brydie "Memory Lane"

(Dance information by the deviser, Eddy West)

Published in (, Celtic Square (West), reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Eddy West.

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