Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Celtic Wedding

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

CELTIC WEDDING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Eddy West Dance Deviser Days

1- 8 1s turn RH and cast 1 place, 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s+1st corners dance ½ Celtic Reel on the diagonal:
 9-12 1s+1st corners pass RSh (as for reel of 4) then 1s dance clockwise ¼ way as 1st corners dance ¾ LSh round each other to face 1s on the 2nd corner diagonal, while 2nd corners set and dance clockwise to 1st corner position
 13-16 1st corners and 1s pass RSh (as for reel of 4) then 1st corners dance clockwise ¼ way while 1s dance LSh right round each other to face 2nd corners who are in 4th corner position having again set and danced ¼ way round clockwise
17-24 Repeat with 2nd corners:
 1s+2nd corners dance ½ Celtic Reel on the diagonal, (but 1s do not dance round each other at the end, instead turning RH to end in 2nd place), while 1st corners set and dance 1 place clockwise, set and dance 1 place clockwise
25-32 All circle 6h round and back. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Celtic Wedding (R8x32) 32 bar reel for 3 couples Eddy West

1 - 4 1st couple turn with the right hand and cast off to second place.
 2nd couple step up on bars 3 - 4.
5 - 8 1st couple turn with left hands one and a quarter times to face first corners.
9 - 16 1st couple dance half a Celtic Reel with first corners while second corners set and dance on one place clockwise, set and dance on one place clockwise. On the last bar 1st couple dance right around one another left shoulder to finish facing second corners.
17 - 24 1st couple dance half a Celtic Reel with second corners while first corners set and dance on one place clockwise, set and dance on one place clockwise. On the last two bars 1st couple omit the left shoulder pass and turn right hand to finish in second place on their own sides.
25 - 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat having passed a couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Eddy West on 18-23 May 2001)

Dance Notes

Half Celtic Reels on the diagonal:

1 - 2 1st couple pass first corners right shoulder to change places.
3 - 4 1st couple dance on to the next corner position clockwise while the corners dance round one another passing left shoulder three-quarters of the way to face 1st couple. The people facing should be the same people who faced to start.
5 - 6 1st couple pass first corners right shoulder to change places.
7 - 8 The corners dance on to the next corner position clockwise while 1st couple dance round one another passing left shoulder three- quarters of the way to face their second corner position.

In this reel, 1st couple modify the last two bars on each occasion - first going all the way so as to face second corners and on the second occasion turning right hand to own sides.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Eddy West)

Dance Information

The Celtic Reels in this dance are based on those in Barry Skelton's dance 'The Celtic Reel' from his 'Celtic Book'. The structure of the dance in bars 9 - 24 is based on Ron Wallace's dance 'Trip To Paradise' which contains a 'Corners Targe' here converted into a 'Corner's Celtic Reel'.

This reel, Celtic Wedding, is an amalgam of ideas from Barry Skelton, Ron Wallace and James B Cosh.

Suggested music: The Garple Burn: The Garple Burn and 7 Other Dances by Hugh Foss - Peter White

(Dance information by the deviser, Eddy West)

Published in (, Celtic Wedding, Dance Deviser Days 2001, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Eddy West.

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