Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Chappit Ten

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Chappit Ten
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 11: Three Dozen
5x40 bar Reel
5-couple Square set, 5th couple in centre facing 1st couple

  1-16 ½ GRAND CHAIN, TURN AND ½ GRAND CHAIN: Outer couples, starting with partner,
dance Grand Chain halfway round (pass 4 hands in 6 bars), turn partner with right hand once round (2 bars) and starting with left hand to corner, Grand Chain halfway round back original places (pass 4 hands 6 bars) AS Centre 5th couple set with a Highland Step or set and turn ending facing 1st couple;

17-24 MIRROR REELS OF 3: starting with 5th couple dancing between 1st couple, 1st, 5th and 3rd couples dance mirror Reels of 3, all giving nearer hands where appropriate;

25-28 TEAPOTS: 3 hands across: 5th woman and 2nd couple with right hands, and 5th man and 4th couple with left hands;

29-32 THRO' AND CAST: 5th couple dance between 1st couple, divide and cast back to centre;

33-36 TEAPOTS: 3 hands across: 5th woman and 2nd couple with left hands, 5th man and 4th couple with right hands (2 bars), then 5th couple dances through 3rd couple (2 bars);

37-40 CROSS AND CAST AROUND OUTSIDE OF SET HALFWAY: 5th couple crosses over and casts halfway around the outside of set into 1st place (1st couple dance into centre on bars 39-40 and face 2nd couple).

Repeat four times with each couple taking a turn in the centre.
On Bar 17, 2nd time through: 1st couple goes between 2nd couple and reels are danced with the side couples, wheels are danced with the head couples;
On Bar 17, 3rd time through: 2nd couple goes between 3rd couple and reels are danced with the head couples, wheels are danced with the side couples;
On Bar 17, 4th time through: 3rd couple goes between 4th couple and reels are danced with the side couples, wheels are danced with the head couples;
On Bar 17, 5th time through: 4th couple goes between 5th couple and reels are danced with the head couples, wheels are danced with the side couples;

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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