Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Cherry Blossoms (Boyd)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

CHERRY BLOSSOMS (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Iain Boyd To Be A Wind

1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across, 1s face out, 2s remain in centre facing up; 1s cast to 2nd place own side as 2s dance up to 1st place
9-16 1s turn 2H, cast up (2s step down 11-12); 1s turn 2H, cast to 2nd place (2s step up 15-16)
17-24 2s+1s ½ turn partner RH and circle 4H round to left (2 bars) and circle back to right (4 bars) to end in original places
25-32 1s+2s dance Bourrel:
 25-28 1M+2L set advancing, ¾ turn 2H and twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up and Man down) while partners chase anticlockwise to face partner
 29-32 Set to partners and turn 2H to own sides having changed places

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

Also see the dance Cherry Blossoms (Boyd/Naitoh) by Iain Boyd, arranged by Masako Okada Naitoh.

A cherry blossom is a flower of many trees of genus Prunus. The most well-known species is the Japanese cherry, Prunus serrulata, which is commonly called sakura.

Cherry blossom trees are widely distributed, especially in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere including Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Mainland China, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar, Thailand and West Siberia.

The cherry blossom is considered the national flower of Japan (along with the chrysanthemum).

Cherry Blossom - Information Video

Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossom In Sugimura Park, Hashimoto

Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Cherry Blossom article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Yae Yamamoto Creative Commons Licence 4.0, via Wikipedia.

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