Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Choochoo 40 Bar Jig For 4 Couples In A Square Set, Devised By Viktor Lehmann, 2021.

1-2 All circle to the left one place clockwise (nearer hands joined with partner only).
3-4 First and third couple circle one place on to opposite places WHILE second and fourth couple circle back inwards to face each other up and down in the center of the set.
5-8 First and third couple chase two places on back to original places WHILE second and fourth couple dance left hands across once round, finish facing as they are.
9-16 "Choochoo Reel" half way, here is the pattern in 2 bar movements:
 Outside couples (in tandem, men in the lead) dance to inner places as in a reel. They then dance to the next inner place as the left shoulder movement in a reel, then dance to the opposite side, to finish the sequence with a set on bars 15 and 16 (no hands). Inside couples (in tandem, ladies in the lead) dance to the outside first, then set (no hands), then dance in again to then change places with the other inner couple to finish. At the end, inner couples face outside couples.
17-24 Inner persons individually pass the opposite person right shoulder to then dance clockwise one place on, then chase halfway round the set WHILE outside persons pass the opposite person to dance to the center and then pass the incoming opposite person left shoulder, pulling left shoulder back at the end to then dance a left hands across in the center, no polite turns at the end.
25-32 "Choochoo Reel" half way, with a 90 degree shift. Inner couples are not with their partners for this movement. At the end, inner couples face outside couples.
33-34 All set to opposite person; on the second pas-de-basques, inner persons amend direction to be side by side with their partner, first couple now facing third couple.
35-38 Each outside couple "link for two" to change places (no hands), face partner and turn right hand half way to finish facing clockwise WHILE inner couples set to opposite person, then do a link movement (no hands) to face clockwise.
39-40 All chase one place on the new places, now in the order 2, 3, 4, 1.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, August 2021)

Dance Instruction Videos

Choochoo - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This dance is dedicated to all steam train lovers. Four locomotives with their waggons always on the move!

Music Suggestion: Huntsman (Alastair Hunter and the Lorne Scottish Dance Band)

(Dance information by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, August 2021)

Steam train at the Schiefe Ebene (a steep incline on Bamberg–Hof section of the Ludwig South-North Railway in the region of Upper Franconia, in Bavaria, Germany)
The engine on the top is 35 1097-1, just behind it works 01 1533-7. In the background the steam exhaust of the banking locomotive, 38 1301, is visible.

Published in Choochoo, reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Image copyright H.G.Graser, Creative Commons Licence 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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