Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Cocker Spaniel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Cocker Spaniel (S3x32) 32 bar Strathspey for 3 couples Rod Downey The Golden Bear Collection
A 3 by 32 Stathspey in a longwise set.

1-8 1C and 2C dance the Espagnole. At the end first couple finish facing out in second place.
9-16 First lady dances a figure of eight on the ladies side casting around the second lady to begin. Similarly first man on the man's side casting down around the 3rd man to begin.
17-20 First and second men turn once around with the right hand. First and second lady dance once around giving left hand.
21-22 First and third man turn ½ with the left hand, and first and third lady similarly with the right hand.
23-24 All take hands on the sides and set.
25-32 1C and 3C dance an all round poussette.
Finishing order 231.

Repeat with a new top couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)

Dance Information

This strathspey, The Cocker Spaniel, was devised on 24/7/2019 seeking a relatively simple dance with an espagnole and an all round poussette for teaching purposes.

The name, The Cocker Spaniel, is a pun on the Espagnole, I sometimes use when teaching this formation.

The recommended set is the one for "The Orchards of County Armagh" as recorded by Marian Anderson and her Band on Belfast Branch Platinum. ("Sailing South" by J. Nicholson, The Sally Gardens (trad), and "To Pauline" by M. Anderson).

(Dance information from The Golden Bear Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)

The Cocker Spaniel
"Cocker Spaniel Lying On Green Cushion" Theodor Petter (1822-1872), Oil On Canvas, c. 1841

Published in The Golden Bear Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.
Image copyright Attributed to Theodor Petter, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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