Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Corona Dance

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE CORONA DANCE (J32) Circle Jette Rossen, 2020
Even number of dancers "A" and "B" (all socially distanced) facing anticlockwise

1- 8 All advance and retire twice
9-16 All individually dance small clockwise circle in place; All individually dance small anticlockwise circle in place. All face anticlockwise
17-20 All slip step left (2 bars) and right (2 bars)
21-24 Dancer "A" pulls back LSh and casts (long) to place vacated by adjacent "A" dancer to face clockwise while "B" dancers set, pullback RSh to face clockwise
25-32 All chase clockwise (4 bars), turn and clap and chase back anticlockwise

Note: 2nd time through Bars 21-24: "A" dancers set, while "B" dancers cast

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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