Corrie Nan Clach
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Corrie nan Clach (Corrie Of Stones)Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 12: Corrie Dances
88-Bar Reel
4-couple dance in a Square Set
9-16 MEN ROUND SET ANTICLOCKWISE: men dance anticlockwise around the outside of the set to original places facing partner;
17-24 TURN PARTNER AND CORNER: Turn partner with right hand, and then turn corner with left hand once round to end facing the center;
25-28 ADVANCE AND RETIRE: Advance to center nearer hands joined with corner, then drop corner's hand and retire nearer hands joined with partner;
29-32 MEN ROUND WOMEN INTO SKYE HOLD: retaining nearer hands with partner, men dance clockwise round partner (who stands still), ending with man's right hand around the woman's back at shoulder level, the woman's left hand passes in front of her to her right shoulder where it is joined with man's right hand;
33-40 4-COUPLE CORRIE: All unwind rotating ¼ clockwise with partner, women swivel clockwise (2 Bars), then chase one place anticlockwise round the set with women leading (2 bars), change places with partner by the right hand (2 Bars), and all set to partner (2 Bars);
41-48 WOMEN ROUND SET CLOCKWISE: women dance clockwise around the outside of the set, end facing partner;
49-56 TURN PARTNER AND CORNER: All turn partner with right hand, then turn corner with left hand;
57-60 ADVANCE AND RETIRE: All advance to center nearer hands joined with corner, then drop corner's hand and retire nearer hands joined with partner;
61-64 WOMEN ROUND MEN INTO SKYE HOLD: retaining nearer hands with partner, women dance anticlockwise round partner (who stands still), ending with woman's left hand around the man's back at shoulder level, the man's right hand passes in front of him to his left shoulder where it is joined with woman's left hand;
65-72 4-COUPLE CORRIE: All unwind rotating ¼ with partner, men swivel anticlockwise (2 Bars), then chase one place anticlockwise around the set with men leading (2 Bars), change places with partner with left hands (2 Bars), and all set to partner (all are now in original places);
73-80 PROMENADE: all promenade anticlockwise around the set (men with partner on right);
81-88 PROMENADE AROUND ROOM: all continue to promenade partner anticlockwise around the room into one big circle.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
Dance Information
Corrie Nan Clach is Gaelic for "Corrie of stones".
Coire Nan Clach
View Down Into The Splendid Coire Nan Clach With Loch Shiel Far Below
Image copyright Gordon Morrison under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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