Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Couple Of Keepers

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A Couple of Keepers
Bruce Herbold and Patti Cobb Excited States
Strathspey 3 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 3 Couple Set Longwise Set

  1-4   1s2s 4 hands round to the left, finishing in places;

  5-6   1s petronella turn to centre line;

  7-8   1s turn by the right ¾ to partner's place;

  9-16 1s2s dance circulating knot for 2 couples, 2s finishing in 1st place, 1s facing partner's first corner;

17-20 1s dance a heavily modified version of pass and turn:
1s dance anticlockwise around partner's first corner position followed by a gypsy turn, giving left shoulder, to finish facing partner's second corner WHILE first corners advance, dance a gypsy turn giving left shoulder and return to places;

21-24 1s repeat bars 17-20 with partner's second corner;

25-28 2s1L 1M3s right hand across, 2s finishing in 1st place, 1s 3s with both hands joined, on a steep diagonal, Mn above partner.

29-32 1s3s half strathspey poussette, finishing 2s3s1s.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

  9-16 In the circulating knot for 2 couples, 2s dance the knot normally WHILE 1s dance the inverted knot as the leading couple.
Cover diagonally throughout (apart from the finishing adjustment).

25-     1L 2M start on left foot.

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