Cro Of Kintail
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Cro Of Kintail S4x32 4 couple set Fiona MacDonald Dances In Kintail1- 8 1s with 2s Set, turn partner two hands, opening out into circle (4 hands round) to left for four
9 - 16 1s Set, cast into 2nd place, 1½ turn RH to face down in centre on opposite sides (2s moving up on 11-12)
17 - 24 1s dance down between 3s and 4s, cast out and up round 4s, cross passing RSh, (across the causeway) cast down to 4th place (3s moving up on 19/20) (to flow into Loch Duich)
25 - 32 All circle (8 hands round) to left and back
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Fiona MacDonald)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
The River Cro slowly meanders down the glaciated valley of Glen Lichd flowing into Loch Beag and under the causeway into Loch Duich.The river is named after the 'cro' of Kintail where the mountains encircle the low level ground near Morvich as a fold would encircle and protect sheep.
It would be lovely to dance this simple strathspey to the tune of Ian MacMhurachaidh's song "Theid mi dhachaidh Chro Cintaille" - "I will go home to the fold of Kintail" (Stepping up important).
(Dance information from Dances In Kintail, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald)

Cro Of Kintail
Published in Dances In Kintail Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald.
Image copyright Fiona MacDonald, all rights reserved, 2022.
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