Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

D For Damon

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

D FOR DAMON (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin Dance Book 5

1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left; 1s+2s dance LH across back to place, 2s face out/up
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance modified Inveran reel:
1s cross RH to join reel and cross RH again when crossing up from 3rd place. 1s end in top place facing down nearer hands joined, 2s join nearer hands (Bar 14) and dance up middle to face 1s
17-24 1s+2s dance Rondel. 2134
25-32 1s+3s dance "D's in Tandem":
 1s+3s join hands on sides and all set, cross RH with partner
 Ladies dance across and curve down into place own side while Men dance across (below Ladies) and curve up into place, join hands on sides and all set. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

D For Damon (S8x32) 32 bar Strathspey for 3Cs in a 4C set Gaye Collin

1-4 1+2Cs dance 4 hands round to the left dropping hands to face LS inwards slightly (bar4) ready for...
5-8 1+2Cs dance LH across back to original places, (2C finish facing out and up).
9-16 1+2+3Cs dance an Inveran Reel Slightly Modified:
 1C start the reel by crossing RH to begin and RH again when crossing up from 3rd place.
 1C finish the Inveran reel facing down in top place nearer hands joined, and 2C taking nearer hands on (bar14) to dance up the middle to finish facing 1C.
17-24 1+2C dance the Rondel, order 2,1,3,4.
25-32 New formation "D's in tandem":
 1+3Cs take hands on the side and set, cross over RH, as 1M+3W curve round one another by the right in the middle to finish back in original places, their partners dance on clockwise to original place, and on bars 31+32 1+3Cs take hands on the side again and set. (2bars for each part of this 8bar formation).
(1+3Cs retain hands, on the sides ready to start the dance again)

Repeat from second place.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Gaye Collin, 2023)

Dance Notes

Bars 9-16 To get a gentle flow to the modified inveran reel happening 3C should dance towards one another take nearer hands and dance up into the reel. 1C crossing down into the reel takes a split second longer and if 3C take their time to start the reel it will help the flow and make for a graceful inveran reel.

The last formation is called "D's in Tandem". Named for us by Xiaowen Yu. She said the movement reminded her of the paddle of a stand mixer. If you look closely at the shape of this formation 1W+3M track out the letter D, the paddle shape, (bars27-30) this move is unique to Damon's dance.

Dance Instruction Videos

D For Damon - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

See Ds In Tandem for a video of the 8 bar formation which was devised for Damon's 70th birthday dance called D for Damon, showing the formation separately, you get a better view, of the covering, than in the dance.
It's a very simple formation, and has a smoothness to it. If you watch closely, 1W and 2M are tracing out the Letter "D".

This dance was devised for Damon's 70th birthday and was inspired by dancing Marilyn Watson's dance "The Haar on Skye". Both dances have a Rondel, which is not in many dances, and a lovely formation.

Being married to a dancer and sharing this hobby is magic, we are also lucky enough to both teach, so this pastime for us has great depth. It creatives lots of discussions after events coming home in the car, the programmes, dancers, bands, and atmosphere. Damon is also a perfect Guinea pig, to try out any new ideas on, his honesty is appreciated, and his support on going. Damon makes a great subject for devising dances, and has several dances created for him, see below for the list so far...

From Paper to Pearl, devised and given to Damon on our 30th wedding anniversary, later it also became the name of my first book of dances.
Lonely Sunday, A dance Damon devised for me.
Damon and John
Baby Boomers Nest
Forty Year's StrONg, 40th wedding anniversary.
The Tall Guy's Strathspey
Still Sexy in his Sixties, devised for Damon for his 65th birthday.
The Drug Runners Jig
D for Damon, 70th birthday.

Most of these dances are Strathspey's probably our favourite tempo to dance to nowadays.
Other dances with family connections are.
Joshua's Jig, 1st Grandchild
A Babbling Brooke, 2nd Grandchild
Dancing the Baby, 3rd Grandchild
Liam Thomas, 4th Grandchild, all these dances are fast tempo

All the grandchildren's dances are published in my 4 books.

Recommended tune: Midsummer Common. CD: RSCDS Book 49 track 3 Jim Lindsay and his band.

(Dance information by the deviser, Gaye Collin)

D For Damon

Image copyright Glenna Matcham (Lower Hutt Club) 2023, all rights reserved, reproduced here with kind permission.

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