Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Dance For Forty

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A DANCE FOR FORTY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Seth Major and Sarah McCullough

1- 8 1M casts below 3s while 1L dances down middle, 1L followed by 1M casts up round 3L, dance down and cast up round 3M and into 2nd place own side. 213
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, 1s turn ½ RH, face partner and pull back RSh and dance RSh round 1st corners, flowing into...
17-24 Reels of 3 across (1s LSh to 4th corners). 1s end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back.

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

This reel, A Dance For Forty, was devised by Seth Major and Sarah McCullough on the occasion of Terry Harvey's 40th birthday.

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