Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Dance Your Heart Intil You Feet

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Dance Your Heart Intil You Feet
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 6:
4x32 bar Reel
4-couple dance in longways set

  1-4   ENDS CROSS AND CAST: 1st and 4th couples cross with right hands and cast to centre places (2nd and 3rd couples step to the ends on Bars 3-4);

  5-8   WHEEL: 1st and 4th couples dance right hands across ending facing corner: 1st man- 2nd woman, 1st woman-2nd man, 4th woman-3rd man, 4th man-3rd woman;

  9-16 HELLO-GOODBYE SETTING: 1st and 4th couples set to 1st corner moving to the left to face centre, set moving to face 2nd corner, set to 2nd corner moving to the left to face centre, set moving to face 3rd corner;

17-28 INSERSECTING REELS OF 4: 4th and 1st couples dance diagonal reels of 4 with corners dancing left hands across halfway through the centre: use two skip change of step for each part (pass right shoulder, ½ left hand wheel or out to end, pass right shoulder, ½ left hand wheel or out to end, pass right shoulder, ½ left hand wheel or out to end: N.B. reel takes 12 bars (1st and 4th couples end nearer hands joined facing out the ends);

29-32 THRO' ENDS AND CAST: 1st and 4th couples dance through the ends of the set, divide and cast to the centre places (ending order: 2-4-1-3).

Repeat 3 times.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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