Dancing On Water (Müller-Franz)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Dancing On Water (Müller-Franz) (S4x32) Strathspey 32 bars for a 4 couple longwise set devised by Martina Mueller-Franz 20072 chords - couples 3 and 4 start from opposite sides
01 - 04 1st couple cross right hand and cast off one place while 4th couple cross right hand and cast up one place 2nd and 3rd couples step up/down on bars 3-4.
05 - 08 2nd + 3rd couples set + cross over right hands to opposite sides (and face in) while 1st and 4th couples (in the middle places) set + link to change places (keep facing the direction they are coming).
All 4 couples may give hands on the sidelines while setting.
09 - 12 4th and 1st couples (= middle couples) dance a full right hands across. At the end 4th couple face up to 2nd couple (which is in top place), and 1st couple faces down to 3rd couple (in bottom place).
13 - 16 All turn left hands once round. (2nd man + 4th lady; 2nd lady + 4th man; 1st man + 3rd lady; 1st lady + 3rd man)
17 - 24 4th and 1st couple (still middle couples) dance a full "Men's Chain".
25 - 28 2nd couple dance a ½ figure of eight down around 4th couple, while 3rd couple dance a ½ figure of eight up around 1st couple. (start by crossing up or down)
29 - 32 All four couples turn partner both hands one round. New order is now: 2 4 1 3
Repeat 3 more times from new places
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Martina Mueller-Franz, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 31 May 2007)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Also see the dance Dancing On Water (Morris) by John Morris.This dance was first tried out during a small occasion in Beelen (near Muenster, Germany) in June 2007. We used a small room adjacent to the organiser's house.
I subsequently learned that the wooden floor covers their former small indoor swimming pool.
This inspired me to call this dance: "Dancing on Water".
(Dance information by the deviser, Martina Mueller-Franz, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 31 May 2007)

Dance Floor Over Water At Kibbutz, Ramat Yohanan
Published in Dancing On Water (Müller-Franz), reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Image copyright (cropped) מארכיון רמת יוחנן, Creative Commons Licence 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons.
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