Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Daniel And Roger's Wedding

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Daniel And Roger's Wedding (R4x32) A ceilidh style reel for four couples in a longwise set. Murrough Landon 2017
Couples who are romantically involved with each other might like to start as 4th couple.

1-4 1st and 2nd couples (only) advance and retire. Meanwhile the previous 1st couple (if any) dance down and loop into 4th place as 4th couple.
5-8 1st with 2nd also 3rd with 4th couples dance right hands across.
9-12 All four couples advance and retire.
13-16 1st with 2nd also 3rd with 4th couples dance left hands across.
17-24 1st couple take both hands and slipstep down and back, ending in the middle in 2nd place. 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 19-20.
25-32 1st couple take ballroom, or whichever intimate hold they prefer, and turn gently around in the middle while the other three couples join nearer hands to circle carefully around them to the left and back to the right.

On the next repeat, the former 1st couple dance down as the new top two couples advance and retire. At the end of the last repeat the final 1st couple might like to stay entwined in the centre.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA Oct 2017)

Dance Information

Devised to help celebrate the wedding of Daniel Capron and Roger Juplo on 10 March 2018.

Daniel and Roger met through Scottish Country Dancing. In autumn 2005 Daniel took the initiative to launch the Gay Gordons group in London. Nearly 12 years later Roger came to the annual Gay Gordons picnic in Kensington Gardens at one of the London Dancing in the Park events.

Good things come - eventually - to those who wait!

Recommended music: Suggested tune And The Ladies Wore Red by Marian Anderson; suitable recording Marian Anderson: (The Sunday Class: Book 1) or City Hall Centenary (Marian Anderson: Diamond Jubilee Dances - Belfast Branch).

(Dance information by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA Oct 2017)

Published in Daniel And Roger's Wedding, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA.

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