Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Day Out

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A Day Out 32 Bar Strathspey For 3 Couples In A 3 Couple Set, Devised By Viktor Lehmann 2019.

1-4 First couple set and cast into second place (second couple step up on bars 3+4).
5-8 First lady with third lady and first man with second man dance set and link, with third lady and second man finish facing out.
9-16 Half reels of three on the sidelines, giving left shoulder to start with, third lady facing up, second man facing down. First couple then set diagonally, at the same time second and third man turn both hands once round and open up to prepare a circle formation, second lady and third lady doing the same. All circle on for two bars in a circle to the left with briefly giving hands, finishing in lines across the dance with first couple being the middle people, first man facing down, first lady facing up, all others on opposite sides.
17-24 All set and cross up and down with the right hand, all corners end facing in, first couple stay facing out. Then corners cross right hand again with their partners across the set to own sides while first couple cast to their right around their fourth corner position into 2nd place own side. All set.
25-32 All circle to the left and back again to finish in the order 3 1 2.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, August 2019)

Dance Instruction Videos

A Day Out - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

The dance is about taking a walk on a lovely day, starting at home and meeting people on the way.

Music Suggestion: something vivid.

(Dance information by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, August 2019)

Published in A Day Out, reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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