The Deeside Wanderer
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE DEESIDE WANDERER (S64) Sq.Set Roy Goldring A Reel for Alice1- 8 1s in prom hold+4M+2L dance reels of 3 (1s pass 4M by Right) also 3s dance similar with 2M+4L (3s pass 2M by Right) 2s and 4s begin by casting away from partner
9-16 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain to finish back-to-back with partner
17-24 2s in prom hold repeat bars 1-8 with 1M+3L while 4s dance similar with 3M+1L
25-32 2s+4s dance Ladies' Chain. All end facing in
33-36 Diagonal ½ R&L (1M+4L also 2L+3M give RH to start)
37-40 ½ R&L up/down (1s+3s give RH to partner to start)
41-44 Diagonal ½ R&L (1L+4M also 2M+3L give RH to start)
45-48 ½ R&L across (2s+4s). All finish facing corners
49-56 Reel round set (Grand Chain no hands) finish facing corners
57-60 All set to and turn corners 2H to face partner
61-64 All set to and turn partners 2H ¾ way round so Ladies end in centre back-to-back for bow/curtsey
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Deeside Wanderer - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
The River Dee is 70 miles long and travels through Wales and England forming part of the border between the two countries.
The River Dee
Image copyright Nigel Chadwick under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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