The Diamond Jubilee
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE DIAMOND JUBILEE (J4x32) 4C set Robert M Campbell RSCDS Book 311- 8 1s and 4s turn 1½ times RH and cast 1 place, 1M and 4M also 1L and 4L turn LH on sides to end 1s facing up and 4s down. 2(1)(4)3
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides (Bar 16 1s and 4s do not pass LSh but turn right about into centre BtoB facing corner just passed) 2(4)(1)3
17-24 4s and 1s set to corners and change places RH, set and change back LH
25-32 4s+1s dance RH across while 2s and 3s set and cross RH, all set and cross RH back to places. 2413
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
The Diamond Jubilee
Robert M Campbell RSCDS Book 31
Jig 4 x 32 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-4 1s 4s turn by the right 1½ times;
5-6 1s cast WHILE 4s cast up;
7-8 1L4L 1M4M turn by the left to finish 1s facing up, 4s facing down;
9-16 2M1L4L3M reel of four on Men's side WHILE 2L1M4M3L reel of four on Ls' side (1s and 4s do not pass by the left to complete the reel but cast inwards to finish back to back facing corners);
17-20 2M4L 3M1L 2L4M 3L1M set and change places by the right;
21-24 2M4L 3M1L 2L4M 3L1M set and change places by the left;
25-28 4s1s right hands across WHILE 2s 3s set and cross by the right;
29-32 2s4s1s3s set on the sides and cross by the right.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Diamond Jubilee - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
See The Diamond Jubilee Medley by Dorothy Bell.This jig, The Diamond Jubilee, was written to celebrate The Royal Scottish Dance Society Diamond Jubilee in 1983 when RSCDS Dances Book 31 was published.
What a great idea, finally, to feature this excellent jig called The Diamond Jubilee at the April Monthly Dance, following all the celebrations surrounding last year's (2012) 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II throughout the UK and Commonwealth. What with medals being awarded to dancers we know (see footnote below), it would be hard not to be aware of the significance of the event... Royalist beliefs or not!
But what's this? I look again and see that The Diamond Jubilee dance first appeared in RSCDS Book 31, and that was published way back in 1984. Also appended to the dance name in some quarters was reference to the 60-year stretch from 1923 to 1983. So... to which royal personage could that time span refer? It certainly wasn't the Queen or her father King George VI. He came to the throne long after 1923 and died in 1952. While there's no shortage in Europe of royal families (in waiting!), we don't keep track of them with the same adulation with which some follow the activities of the Windsors.
Does 1923 perhaps ring some other form of bell as the start of something big? Well, of course, we knew all the time, didn't we? It was in 1923 that two forthright Scottish ladies, Jean Milligan and Ysobel Stewart of Fasnacloich, decided to found the Scottish Country Dance Society, the reasons for which have been adequately documented in these pages in the past. The Royal addition to this Society's name came later in the fifties with the strong support of the aforementioned Queen Elizabeth II who, in her day, was quite an accomplished Scottish country dancer. Needless to say, we all continue to be the beneficiaries of that important day in 1923.
Back to the dance! The Diamond Jubilee was devised by one Robert Campbell of the Oakville Scottish Country Dancers. That's Ontario's Oakville, folks, just down the QEW (The Queen Elizabeth Way) from Toronto. Robert likely would have been quite well known to a number of RSCDS Toronto dancers, especially the veterans.
It is my opinion about The Diamond Jubilee that this jig has a lovely flow and is well recommended as a selection for the April Monthly Dance.
(Footnote - Linda Ashe Argent of Hawkestone recently taught the Toronto Workshop. She's been awarded the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for her outstanding contributions to the Special Olympics Movement. As Linda is fond of saying: It's all about legacy folks!)
The Barry Pipes Canon 058- April, 2013.
(Dance information from set and link, RSCDS Toronto Newsletter - What's In A Name? The Barry Pipes Canon 2005-2018, reproduced here with kind permission. Copyright Barry Pipes. All rights reserved)
It is traditional on wedding anniversaries to give your partner (or couples) a gift that symbolises the particular anniversary. These gifts are made of different materials for each wedding anniversary.
Wedding anniversary symbols are often used for other anniversaries. These include the anniversary of an event, or founding of an institution, such as a Scottish country dance club.
The wedding anniversary associated with the material 'Diamond' is the 60th.
Here is a list of the materials associated with traditional anniversary gifts for the various years.
1st Cotton | 11th Scent | 30th Pearl |
2nd Paper | 12th Silk and Fine Linen | 35th Coral |
3rd Leather | 13th Barometer | 40th Ruby |
4th Fruit and Flower | 14th Clock | 45th Sapphire |
5th Wooden | 15th Crystal | 50th Gold |
6th Sugar | 16th Holloware | 55th Emerald |
7th Woollen | 18th Coloured Gems | 60th Diamond |
8th Salt, Pottery | 19th Furniture | 65th Blue Sapphire |
9th Copper | 20th China | 70th Platinum |
10th Tin, coal | 25th Silver | 75th Diamond |
80th Oak |
The Diamond Jubilee Crib - Before Minicrib
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Diamond Jubilee article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary.
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