Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Don Kent's Connection Inspection

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

DON KENT'S CONNECTION INSPECTION (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Holly Boyd Célébrations

1- 8 All advance with partner, retire with corner; advance with corner, retire with partner
9-14 "Circle Reels":
 1s+3s (Ladies followed by partners) pass LSh and dance ½ tandem reel of 4 across with couple to right, 2s and 4s (Men followed by partners) finish on opposite sides (big loops). 1s+3s do not pass finishing in middle LSh to LSh, 1s facing down, 3s facing up
15-16 1s+3s dance ½ LH across to change places. 3412
17-22 Repeat 9-14 from new places
23-24 1s+3s dance back to original places
25-32 All set to partners and change places RH; repeat and Ladies face out
33-48 All dance Schiehallion reels
49-64 2s+4s repeat "Circle Reels" (bars 9-24) up/down set with 1s+3s

65-128 Repeat 1-64 in Reel time

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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