Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Don't Touch The Door Lewie

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

DON'T TOUCH THE DOOR LEWIE (J3x32) Triangular (3 each side) Ann and Ian Jamieson Glen Orrin collection 2
Man+2 Ladies on each side of a triangular set

1- 8 All Men set to partner on right and change places RH, set to next Lady (in next trio) and change places LH (2 Ladies on right)
9-16 All Men dance RH across and LH across 'new' partners (2 Ladies on right)
17-24 All Men set to 'new' partner on right and change places 2H to face her (between 'new' partners) and dance ½ reel of 3 with 'new' partners
25-32 All circle 9H round and back (Men now 1 place anticlockwise, LH Lady 1 place clockwise and RH Lady remains in the same place)

Repeat with new partners

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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