Doon The Brae
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Doon the BraeMaggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 5:
8x32 Strathspey
3-couple dance in 3, 4-couple Longways set
1-8 1ST COUPLE ½ FIGURE 8 ON SIDE, ½ TURN AND UP: 1st couple dance between 2nd couple, dance out on own side behind 3rd couple, meet below 3rd couple and turn with both hands halfway: dance up to between 2nd couple who stepped up on bars 3-4 (end 1st woman facing 2nd man, 1st man facing 2nd woman);
9-16 REEL OF 4: 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of 4 across the dance (1st couple give left hands on bar 16 turning to end in line of 4 across the dance facing down: order 2nd man-1st woman-1st man-2nd woman);
17-24 DOWN MIDDLE AND BACK: 1st and 2nd couples dance down middle, swivel towards centre and dance back up in a line of four (2nd couple ends in top place);
25-32 1ST COUPLE FIGURE OF 8 AND SET: 1st couple dance ¾ of a figure of 8 round 2nd couple: start by dancing up and casting down behind 2nd couple, ending in 2nd place on own side where they set to partner.
Repeat from 2nd place. (2nd time through 1st couple casts to 4th place on bars 29-30).
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
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