Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Dos Equis

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Dos Equis 4x32 Reel for 4C (Square Set) by Sue McKinnell

1- 8 Women dance RH across once round, ending facing between partners and corners. All take RH with partners and LH with corners as in double triangles and set. All turn partners RH once round.
9-16 Men dance LH across once round, ending facing between partners and corners. All take LH with partners and RH with corners as in double triangles and set. All turn partners LH once round.
17-24 1C and 3C dance ladies' chain.
25-32 All dance into the center for 1 bar, turn over LS and dance out to place for 1 bar, and chase CCW 1 place for 2 bars. All turn partners LH once round. 2341.

Repeat 4 times.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue McKinnell, 2018)

Dance Instruction Videos

Dos Equis - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Suggested music is West's Hornpipe from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue McKinnell, 2018)

Dos Equis is Spanish for "Two X's" and is also notably the name of a Mexican beer made by the Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery. (originally called "Twentieth Century" (Siglo XX)).

There are several types of Dos Equis beer. The original is an amber lager packaged in brown bottles. Then came a Special Pale lager in green bottles. In 2014 came "Azul". It has a more robust taste, made from blue agave nectar and some new spices.

Dos Equis is well known in Mexico and the United States. This is partly because of advertisements called "The Most Interesting Man in the World". These ads have actor Jonathan Goldsmith and a narrator telling of his amazing exploits.

Dos Equis bottle label
Dos Equis Label, 2012

Text from this original Dos Equis article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Nacho, PDM-owner, via Wikimedia Commons.

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