Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Double Nickel(s)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Double Nickel(s) 5x32 Reel or Strathspey for 5C by Sue McKinnell

1-8 1C and 3C cross RH, cast one place, and dance a ½ figure of eight up around 2C or 4C to end facing 1st corners. 2C and 4C step up on bars 3-4.
9-16 1C and 3C dance corners pass and turn, passing RS in the center to face 2nd corners, then RS in the center to end women facing down and men facing up.
17-24 3W down with 5C and 1M up with 2C dance a reel of three across the dance WHILE 1W and 3M pass LS into a reel of four with 4C across the dance. (Active couples are giving RS to 2nd corners.) 1C and 3C end where they started the reel, but with women facing up and men facing down.
25-32 1C and 3C turn partners RH and cast one place as 4C and 5C step up. All turn partners RH once round.

Repeat 5 times.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Sue McKinnell, 2018)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

I wrote this dance for all of us who have passed a certain milestone (double nickel originally referred to the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit in the U.S.) and to prove we could still dance.

The reel version proved a bit speedy (although a tweak to bars 23 and 24 helped), so we tried it as a strathspey and it works quite well.
Suggested strathspey music is 5x32 Strathspeys from Miss Ogilvie's Fancy by Green Ginger. Suggested reel music is Hoedown Reel Set from The Music Makars.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue McKinnell)

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