Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Double Postie's Jig

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Double Postie's Jig
Roy Clowes and others
Jig 4 x 32 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set

  1-2   All take hands on the sides and set;

  3-8   1s2s 3s4s ¾ double figures of 8, 1s casting, 4s casting up, to start, finishing 2s1s4s3s, 2s 3s facing out, 1s 4s on opposite sides facing in;

  9-10 1L4L lead across (nearer hands joined) under arch made by 1M4M WHILE 2s cast, 3s cast up, to exchange places on the sides;

11-12 1M 4M 1L 4L (with free hand) turn corners, finishing 1s at the top facing down, 4s at the bottom facing up, corners facing out;

13-14 1s lead down (nearer hands joined) under arch made by 4s WHILE 3s (at top), 2s (at bottom), cross to exchange places;

15-16 1M 4M 1L 4L (with free hand) turn corners, 1s 4s finishing on own sides, corners facing out;

17-24 repeat bars 9-16 from new positions, finishing 2s1s4s3s, 1s 4s on opposite sides;

25-28 1s4s half rights and lefts WHILE 2s (at top), 3s (at bottom), set twice, turning on the spot to face in, finishing 2s4s1s3s;

29-32 2s 4s 1s 3s turn by the right.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

  9-22 Ls always cross under arches made by Mn; couples going down go under arches made by those going up.
Corners always give right shoulder when exchanging places and do not take hands.

  9-24 Starting from first corners' positions, chase anticlockwise around the set, at each corner turning the approaching dancer by the left; from second corners' positions, chase clockwise around the set, at each corner turning the approaching dancer by the right.

11-24 Use elbow grip when turning corners.

29-32 A birl (left hands joined above right hand elbow grip) is more fun.

Dance Instruction Videos

Double Postie's Jig - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This is an even more boisterous version of Roy Clowes' popular 'Postie's Jig'.
Double Postie
Double Postie's - With A Postie Doing The Rounds Behind

Image copyright Martin Addison Creative Commons Licence 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Additional search terms: Postman's Jig, Post Man, Ceilidh Dance.

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