Down But Not Out
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Down But Not Out (M-(S16+J32+R32)) Brian Pierson 2020A medley for one couple in a one couple longwise set
1-8 Dance the tourbillon from 1st place. Finish in 2nd place own sides.
9-12 Lead down for 2 bars (short steps) and back for 2 bars (long steps) to 1st place ready for allemande.
13-16 Dance an allemande from 1st place in four bars. Finish in 2nd place own sides.
1-8 Clap and advance and retire in 2nd place. Turn right hand.
9-16 Clap and advance and retire in 2nd place. Turn left hand.
17-24 With both hands joined dance up for 3 slip steps and close. Down for 3 slip steps, close and set. Up for 3 slip steps and close. Finish in 1st place.
25-32 Cast to 2nd place and dance a full figure of eight up. Finish in 1st place own sides.
1-8 Set twice and on second setting turn right about. Turn right hand 1½ times. Retain hands 1st place opposite sides.
9-16 Lead down (2 bars) and lady curves left under man's arm as man curves right below her (2 bars). Lead back on own side up to 1st place (2 bars) and set (2 bars).
17-24 Dance the poussette from 1st place. Finish in 2nd place own sides.
25-32 Dance back to back right shoulder and turn right hand or birl.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Brian Pierson 2020)
Dance Information
This medley, Down But Not Out, is intended for fun, to keep fit and with a bit of a challenge if you wish to practice your technique, written during the coronavirus lockdown.Suggested tune: Down But Not Out - Music recorded by Brian and Marion Pierson with tunes Sidlaw Hills, Edmund McKenzie of Plonkton and Knick Knack.
(Dance information by the deviser, Brian Pierson, April 2020)
Down But Not Out
Image copyright, public domain, via pxfuel.
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