Dublin's Delights
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
DUBLIN'S DELIGHTS (J4x48) Sq.Set Carole Skinner, 20131- 4 1s+3s turn partner ¾ RH while 2s+4s petronella turn and set (Ladies now BtoB in centre facing partner)
5- 8 2s and 4s make arches and 1M and 3M followed by partners chase clockwise ½ round dancing under arches
9-12 3s+1s petronella turn and set (in middle BtoB) while 2s and 4s turn partner RH
13-16 1s and 3s make arches and 2M and 4M followed by partners chase clockwise ½ round dancing under arches. (3s and 1s facing partner, drop hands)
17-24 3s+1s dance ½ reel of 4 passing partner RSh to start; 1M and 3M followed by partners chase clockwise ½ round
25-28 All change places RH with corner, retain RH with corner, all join LH to form circle and all set;
29-32 All change places LH with next person, retain LH, all join RH to form circle and set
33-40 Ladies dance ½ RH across, turn partners LH into prom hold; all promenade clockwise ½ round. 4123
41-48 All circle 8H round and back
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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