Dunedin Ruby
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
DUNEDIN RUBY (R5x40) 5C set Stewart Adam Dunedin Dances Book 61- 8 All Petronella turn into centre and set; 1s+2s and 4s+5s turn partner ¼ LH and each 2 couples chase anticlockwise ½ round while 3s turn LH to face 1st corner pairs (3L facing 2M+1M and 3M facing 5L+4L)
9-14 3L+2M+1M and 3M+5L+4L dance ½ RH across, corner pairs dance LH across
15-16 3L+2M+1M and 3M+5L+4L dance ½ RH across, 3s pass RSh to face 2nd corner pairs
17-24 3s repeat 9-16 with 2nd corner pairs, 3s pass LSh to 3rd place own side
25-32 1s+3s and 5s+4s dance ½ R&L; 2s (at top) turn RH while 3s+1s+4s+5s turn partner 1½ RH. 32145
33-40 Bottom 3 couples (1s+4s+5s) dance 3 couple Poussette. 23451
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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