Dunvegan Castle
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
DUNVEGAN CASTLE (M-(S32+R32)) Sq.Set H Ways Bicentennial Book+7 SCDsStrathspey
1- 4 Men advance into centre 1 step and out to left as Ladies move 1 step to right and 1 step forward, all turn new partner 2H 1½ times
5-16 Repeat above Fig 3 more times except that the last turn is once round only to end with original Lady partner on Man's left
17-24 All dance reels of 4 round circle and back passing own partner RSh ending in partner's original place Men facing out and Ladies in
25-32 All dance interlocking reels of 4 across pass LSh in centre end with Men BtoB in centre facing out between partner and Lady originally on their right
1- 8 All set holding hands as in Double Triangles, all dance petronella turn to bring Ladies in centre and Men out, repeat back to places at beginning of reel time
9-16 All set as in Double Triangle and change places with partner RH, repeat this Fig but change places with person on left hand
17-24 Repeat the Fig again changing places with person on left hand, all set and turn partners RH back to original positions
25-32 All circle 8H round and back
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
Dunvegan Castle is about a mile and a half to the north of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye, on the West coast of Scotland and is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland. It is the seat of the MacLeod of MacLeod, chief of the Clan MacLeod.Probably a fortified site from the earliest times, the castle was first built in the 13th century and developed piecemeal over the centuries.
In the 19th century the whole castle was remodelled in a mock-medieval style. Dunvegan Castle is built on an elevated rock overlooking an inlet on the eastern shore of Loch Dunvegan, a sea loch.
Dunvegan Castle
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Dunvegan Castle article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Unknown.
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