Dusky Dolphins
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
DUSKY DOLPHINS (J5x32) 5C set P Beaton1- 8 1s+2s also 4s+5s dance RH across ½ way and 1s+5s chase ½ way anticlockwise round 3s then 2s+5s also 1s+4s dance RH across ½ way
9-16 2s+4s chase anticlockwise ½ way round 3s, 4s+3s+2s chase anticlockwise ½ way. (5)2(3)2(1)
17-24 5s dance Fig of 8 on sides round 2s+3s while 1s dance Fig of 8 on sides round 4s+3s (5s and 1s giving LSh to start)
25-32 5s+3s+1s cross RH to own sides and 3s cast up to 1st place while 1s cast up to 4th place and all turn RH. 35214
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dusky Dolphins
P. Beaton
Jig 5 x 32 bars 5 Couple Repeat 5 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-2 1s2s 4s5s right hands across halfway, finishing 1L1M facing Men's side, 5M5L facing Ls' side;
3-6 1s5s chase anticlockwise around 3s to exchange places;
7-8 2s5s 1s4s right hands across halfway, finishing 2M2L facing Men's side, 4L4M facing Ls' side;
9-12 2s4s chase anticlockwise around 3s to exchange places, finishing 5s4s3s2s1s, all except 3s on opposite sides, 3M facing down, 3L up;
13-16 4s3s2s chase anticlockwise halfway, finishing 5s2s3s4s1s, 5s 3s 1s on opposite sides;
17-24 5s dance figures of 8 on the sides around 2nd and 3rd places WHILE 1s dance figures of 8 on the sides around 4th and 3rd places, all giving left shoulder to start;
25-26 5s 3s 1s cross by the right, finishing all on own sides;
27-28 3s cast up two places to 1st place WHILE 1s cast up to 4th place WHILE 5s2s 4s step down, finishing 3s5s2s1s4s;
29-32 all turn by the right.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Dusky Dolphins - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
The Dusky Dolphin is distributed all around New Zealand, in coastal waters of Chile, Argentina and the Malvinas Islands, Namibia and the west coast of South Africa. They may also reside in populations off Tasmania and New South Wales and several small islands in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans.An aerial survey off Patagonia in the mid-1990s indicated that there was a local population in excess of 7,000 individuals. Duskies can move over great distances, however it is not believed that they follow a migratory pattern.
Dusky Dolphins - Information Video
Dusky Dolphin
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Dusky Dolphin article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Allen McCloud.
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