Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Elegant Man

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Elegant Man S32 3 couple set Trudy Roughgarden

1-8 All Turn R half-way to face down in Promenade position (2 bars)
 All promenade down the set. (2 bars)
 All turn away from partner and dance up the sides (2 bars)
 (to original positions on opposite sides)
 2's cross up to top place, while 3's cross, and 1's cast to 2nd place (remaining on opposite sides) Note: 2nd man remains facing out
9-16 2's and 1's dance Ladies chain, 1st man remaining facing out at the end
17-24 1st couple (1st man leading) dance round 3W and into 3rd place on own side (3's step up on bars 3-4 of phrase)
 1's and 3's dance Right hands across (order is now 231)
25-32 3's and 1's give right shoulders for parallel reels of 3 on the sides,
(end 231 reading to begin again)

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Trudy Roughgarden, 2024)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Published in The Elegant Man, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Trudy Roughgarden, 2024.

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