Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Fa' This

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Fa' This
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 11: Three Dozen
4x32 bar Jig
4-couple Square Set

    1-16 HEAD COUPLES ½ PROMENADE AND ½ LADIES' CHAIN TWICE: 1st and 3rd couples promenade anticlockwise halfway around the outside of the set (4 bars), dance ½ Ladies' Chain (4 bars), THEN repeat bars 1-8 with opposite to end in original places;

  17-32 SIDE COUPLES REPEAT Bars 1-16;

  33-48 HEAD COUPLES WHEEL, CHASE AND TURNS: 1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across once round (4 bars), then men followed by partner chase halfway clockwise around the outside of the set (4 bars), turn partner once round with right hands (4 bars), and then turn partner once round with left hands (4 bars);

  49-64 SIDE COUPLES REPEAT Bars 33-48;

  65-80 HEAD COUPLES WHEEL, CHASE, RIGHTS AND LEFTS: 1st and 3rd couples dance left hands across once round (4 bars), then women followed by partner dance halfway anticlockwise around the outside of the set (4 bars), and dance Rights and Lefts;

  81-96 SIDE COUPLE REPEAT Bars 65-80 (no polite turn at end to face corner);

  97-112 ¼ CHAIN, ADVANCE AND RETIRE TWICE: ¼ Grand Chain (4 bars) starting right hands with corner, and left with the next (2 steps to each hand), then women advance to centre (1 step), set (left and right) and retire (4 bars), all dance ¼ Grand Chain back to place, then men advance to centre (1 step), set (right and left), and retire;

113-128 BACK-TO-BACK, TULLOCH TURN, CIRCLE AND BACK: with partner all dance back-to-back, then Tulloch turn partner twice round, end with 8 hands round and back.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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