Falcon Square
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
FALCON SQUARE (S4x40) Sq.Set M Hill Inverness Diamond Jubilee Collection1- 8 All set and link dancing on to meet next person in corner position, All set and link dancing on to meet next person in square formation
9-12 All set to new partner and ½ turn 2H (couples in 1st and 3rd places facing in, couples in 2nd and 4th places facing each other)
13-16 Couples in 1st and 3rd places advance to meet original partner and retire to 2nd or 4th places while couples in 2nd and 4th places retire (2 steps) and advance to meet original partner in 1st or 3rd places
17-24 Ladies dance RH across ½ way while Men dance 1 place anticlockwise and turn new partner LH, repeat bars 17-20
25-32 Dancers in 1st and 3rd places dance ½ Ladies' Chain, dancers in 2nd and 4th place dance ½ Ladies' Chain (all now in original places)
33-40 All dance 8H once round to left (6 bars) and turn right about to dance on 1 place clockwise to end 4123
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Falcon Square, Inverness, Scotland
Image copyright Dave Fergusson under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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