Farewell To Tawa
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Farewell To Tawa (S3x32) 3C set by Maureen RobsonPublished in the notes below this Farewell To Tawa video on Youtube.
Dance Instruction Videos
Farewell To Tawa - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This strathspey, Farewell To Tawa, was devised by Maureen Robson in October 2019 to note the end of her time of teaching at the Tawa club, New Zealand.Recommended music: Agnes and Bobby Crowe on 15 Social Dances devised by Roy Goldring played by Muriel Johnstone and her Band.

Tawa Main Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Published in the notes below this Farewell To Tawa video on Youtube.
Image copyright LesleyW Creative Commons Licence 3.0, via the English language Wikipedia.
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