The Fearsome Fivesome (Ferguson)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE FEARSOME FIVESOME (J5x40) 5C Set Hugh Ferguson Bristol 40th Anniversary Book1- 4 1s+3s cross down RH to 2nd and 4th places (2s and 4s step up), 1s and 3s cast right to finish in middle of set facing partners (1L between 2s facing down, 1M BtoB with 3L, 3M between 5s facing up)
5- 8 1s+3s set and turn partner RH into prom hold facing 4L and 5L
9-16 1s+3s dance diagonal reels of 3 with 1st corners (1s with 4L&2M, 3s with 5L&4M) and finish in the middle facing down
17-20 1s+3s dance down between 4s and 5s, separate and cast up to 2nd/4th places (1s and 3s are in 2nd and 4th places on opposite sides) 2(1)4(3)5
21-24 1s+3s set and turn partner RH into prom hold facing 2L and 4L
25-32 1s+3s dance diagonal reels of 3 with 2nd corners and finish in 2nd and 4th places own sides
33-40 1s+4s also 3s+5s dance Espagnole to change places:
1- 2 1s+4s also 3s+5s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
3- 4 1s+4s also 3s+5s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
5- 8 4s also 5s turn RH as 1s also 3s turn LH to change places. 24153
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
Also see the dance The Fearsome Fivesome (Emery) by Jess Emery, Ben Kurtze, Jocelyn Kurtze, Sara Nealley and Daniel Potter.Back to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'The Fearsome Fivesome (Ferguson)' page