Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Five Row Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Five Row Reel (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Simmonds

1-4 1st and 2nd couples dance four hands across (right hands) and remain in the centre
5-6 1st Couple, retaining right hands, continue the turn to finish in second place on the opposite side. 2nd Couple dance up to top place on their own side - 2nd Woman casts up while 2nd Man dances up the side
7-8 1st and 2nd Couples, joining nearer hands on the sidelines, set once.
9-16 1st and 3rd Couples repeat bars 1-8 but use left hand. 3rd Man casts up while 3rd Woman dances up the side.
17-24 1srt Couple cross over right hands, cast up one place, cross over again left hands and cast up to top place.
25-32 1st and 2nd Couples dance three-quarter right and lefts and set on the sides, joining nearer hands

Repeat, having passed a couple

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Ian Simmonds, 1983)

Dance Instruction Videos

The Five Row Reel - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This dance was devised by Ian Simmonds in 1983 to be danced to the tune that Peter Elmes composed and named for the five rows of treble keys on his button accordion.

The Five Row Reel was danced at the Linden Scottish Country Dancing Club's 60th Anniversary dance on July 13, 2019.The dance was held in the Ngaio town hall, Wellington, New Zealand and live music was provided by Jean Malcolm, Heather Elder and Mary and Duncan McDonald.

Ian Simmonds became tutor of the Linden SCD Club in 1968 and continued as tutor until his retirement just a few years ago to the Kapiti Coast.

Peter Elmes attended club evenings for many years, playing his accordion to accompany the dancing.

The current club tutors are Philippa Pointon and Ann Oliver.

Suggested tune: The Five Row Reel (Peter Elmes).

Peter Elmes With His Accordion
Peter Elmes With His Accordion

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