Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Flirt In Isolation

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

FLIRT IN ISOLATION (S3x32) 3C set Gaye Collin, 2020

1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance Inveran reels (1s cross down RH to start, cross RH to reel on own side from 3rd place)
9-12 Flirt and Cast:
 9-10 1L+2M dance 1 step towards each other, pull back RSh, dance out again to place (1 step) and face out
 11-12 1L+2M cast to Right (1L down, 2M up) while 1M+2L dance towards the middle and curve right (down/up) into their own sidelines. 213
13-16 2s+1s+3s ½ turn partner RH, pull back RSh and dance out to opposite side
17-20 Repeat "Flirt and Cast": 1M+3L begin dancing towards one another and 1L+3M curve through the middle
21-24 2s+3s+1s cross RH and all set
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round to left (2 bars), retain hands and all set; continue 6H round to left to own sides. 231

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Flirt In Isolation 3x32 Strathspey for 3Cs Gaye Collin

1-8 1+2+3Cs dance Inveran reels with 1C crossing RH to start and RH again crossing up from 3rd place.
9-12 Flirt and Cast:
 1W+2M dance towards each other one step, then pulling back RS they dance back out and cast to their right (1W down, 2M up). As they are casting, 1M+2W dance towards the middle down or up and curve into their own side-lines bars 11-12.
13-16 2+1+3Cs ½ turn partners with the RH, pause, then cast to the opposite side.
17-20 Flirt and Cast again. This time 1M+3W begin dancing towards one another and 1W+3M curve through the middle.
21-24 2+3+1Cs cross over RH with partner and all 3Cs take hands on the side and set.
25-32 2+3+1Cs dance 6 hands round to the left (for 2 bars), retaining hands in the circle everyone sets, then continue the 6 hands round to the left to finish back on own side-lines, order 2,3,1.

Begin again with a new top couple

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Gaye Collin, 2020)

Dance Notes

Bars 1-8 3C be sure to dance in slowly to allow 1C time to cross over. All take nearer hands where possible.

Bars 13-16 W down a little to start the cast and M up a little.

Bars 33-34 + 65-66 In the two repeats of the dance, the new Second Couple need to anticipate the Inveran reel, after finishing the six hands round to the left, and be balanced and ready to dance Out and Up, to start the inveran reel.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Gaye Collin, 2020)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Flirt In Isolation - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This strathspey, Flirt In Isolation, was devised during the Covid 19 virus isolation, when I had a lot of time on my hands and wanted to use my formation Flirt and Cast for a third time.

I love the grace of the strathspey and think that most formations danced at this slower pace give you time to make the most of the shapes.

You also have time to acknowledge your partner and all the dancers in the set.

Recommended music: The Flowering Heather, From the CD The Musicians' Wedding, track 10.

(Dance information by the deviser, Gaye Collin, 2020)

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