Fog In Summer
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Fog In Summer 40 bar Strathspey for 3 couples Twice and to the bottom Arlene Baxter1 - 4 First couple cross down below second couple and cast up to first place on the wrong side.
5 -8 First and second couples join hands on the sides and set, then circle four hands half way round to the left, finishing as in Figure 1.
9 - 12 First couple cross over giving right hands and cast into third place on the wrong side, third couple stepping up on bars eleven and twelve.
13 - 16 Third and first couples join hands on the sides and set, then circle four hands half way round to the left, finishing with first couple facing out as in Figure 2.
17 - 24 First three couples dance reels of three on the sides, first couple giving right shoulders to their second corner person, who is on their right as they face out.
25 - 28 First couple turn one and three quarters of a turn with the right hand to finish as in Figure 3.
29 - 30 First man with third couple, first woman with second couple, dance three hands across by the left half way around.
31 - 32 First man continue and cast up around third woman while first woman continue and cast down around second man, both finishing in second place on the wrong sides as in Figure 4.
33 - 36 First couple turn one and three quarters of a turn with the left hand.
37 - 40 First man with third couple, first woman with second couple, dance three hands across by the right once round, first couple finishing in second place.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Arlene Baxter, 1979 - copyright 1979 by Arlene Baxter. All rights reserved)
Dance Information
Recommended Music: Snow in Summer, Berkeley Scottish Players, Camp of Pleasure.Fog In Summer
A Regular Summer Afternoon In Fog City: Fog Rolls In Across The Golden Gate Bridge In San Francisco
Here is the original crib for Fog In Summer by Arlene Baxter, published in the San Francisco Collection, also available as a .pdf Fog In Summer (Portable Document Format).
Dance crib from The San Francisco Collection - Copyright 1979, 1980 by the San Francisco Branch, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. All rights reserved.
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