Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Follow Me

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Follow Me 5x32 Jig for 5C (Square Set) by Sue McKinnell
Couples in a normal square set with 5C in the center facing 1C.

1-8 5C, 1C, and 3C dance "dolphin" reels of three up and down the set, 5M followed by 5W giving RS to 1M followed by 1W, and 3W followed by 3M stepping right to start. As each couple reaches an end of the reel, the lead person dances wide to allow the trailing person to take the lead. 5C end facing 4C. (1C and 3C will change places at the end of the reel to end in original places.)
9-16 5C, 4C, and 2C dance "dolphin" reels of three across the set, 5M followed by 5W giving LS to 4W followed by 4M, and 2M followed by 2W stepping left to start. 5C end facing 1C. (2C and 4C will change places at the end of the reel to end in original places.)
17-20 5C and 1C set and dance RH across halfway, 1C end facing 4C.
21-24 1C and 4C set and dance RH across halfway, 4C end facing 3C.
25-28 4C and 3C set and dance RH across halfway, 3C end facing 2C.
29-32 3C and 2C set and dance RH across halfway, 2C end facing 5C. Order is 5, 3, 4, 1, 2.

Repeat 5 times.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue McKinnell, Sep 2006)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

Suggested music is The Campbells Are Coming from Book 24.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue McKinnell)

Follow Me Image
Follow Me

Image copyright Ravi Sarma (Dolphins, Sāo Miguel, Azores, Portugal) Creative Commons Licence 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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