Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

For Ever And Aye

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

For Ever And Aye
Reel 4 x 40 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Square Set

  1-2   1s set, finishing facing each other with both hands joined;

  3-4   1s set again, finishing facing out;

  5-8   1L cast anticlockwise and dance in between 4s WHILE 1M cast clockwise and dance in between 2s, finishing by passing left shoulders;

  9-16 4M1M1L2M reel of 4 across the set, finishing with 1M1L touching left hands to face 4L 2L;

17-24 4L1M1L2L reel of 4 across the set, finishing with 1M1L touching left hands to face 4s 2s;

25-28 4s1M 1L2s right hands across, finishing with 2s 1s 4s facing partners, 1s in the centre of the set (1L with back to 3s);

29-30 2s 1s 4s set to partners;

31-32 2s 4s cross up and down, finishing facing across the dance WHILE 1s turn ¾ by the right to face 3s;

33-34 2s4s set WHILE 1s lead out between 3s;

35-40 2s4s ¾ rights and lefts WHILE 1s cast away from each other, meet and cross by the right, all finishing in original places.
For the first repeat, 2s dance as 1s, 3s as 2s, 4s as 3s and 1s as 4s; for the second repeat, 3s dance as 1s; for the third repeat, 4s dance as 1s.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Information

For Ever And Aye is a literary phrase which means for ever, to all eternity.

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