Four Bar Phrasing
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
FOUR BAR PHRASING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin Dance Book 51- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance down and turn 3s (Ladies LH, Men RH)
9-16 2M+1M+3M advance and retire; 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 (1L up round 2s, 1M down round 3s) 2(1)3
17-24 2L+1M+3L advance and retire; 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 (1L down round 3s, 1M up round 2s)
25-32 All advance (1 step), face to right and cast back to place; All turn partner RH
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Four Bar Phrasing R8x32 32-bar Reel for 3C in a 4C set Gaye Collin
1-4 1C turn RH (2 bars) and cast to 2nd place, (2C step up on 3-4).
5-8 1C dancing down through the middle of the set, (gently), they turn 3C, LH for 1+3W, and RH for 1+3M.
9-16 2+1+3 Men take hands on the sides and advance and retire, 1C then dance a ½ fig of eight, (1W up 1M down) to finish on opposite sides in 2nd place.
17-24 2W+1M+3W take hands on the sides and advance and retire, 1C again dance a ½ fig of eight between the standing couples this time 1W down and 1M up.
25-32 2+1+3Cs take hands on the side advance 1 step, dropping hands to finish facing to the right 1 step, (i.e., men down women up) cast back to own side-lines (independently of one another), then turn partner RH for 4 bars.
Repeat from second place.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Gaye Collin, 2023)
Dance Notes
Bars 5-8 the dancers do need to slow down a bit for this four bar turn and first couple do need to make sure they dance through the middle, covering with their partner.(Dance notes compiled by the deviser, Gaye Collin, 2023)
Dance Information
The main point of this dance is four bar phrasing. Surprise, surprise!It was devised to cover the dancer who is starting to be more independent, i.e., coping with starting on bar 5, and not always dancing a full formation with their partner, perhaps a second- or third-year dancer.
It could also be used for a general class or starting an evening or finishing your dancing night.
Be careful when teaching this dance, teachers have reported back that the more experienced dancers go on to autopilot for bars 25-32 and try to advance and retire.
Recommended Tune: "The Maunby Reel" CD Full Circle by Muriel Johnstone Ian Robertson.
(Dance information by the deviser, Gaye Collin, 2023)
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