Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Fran MacCulloch

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

FRAN MACCULLOCH (S4x32) 4C John Bowie Dickson, 1985

1- 6 All set, 2s and 3s cross RH and cast, 2s above 1s, 3s below 4s
7- 8 2s and 3s dance in, meet partner and nearer hands joined dance down/up to 2nd/3rd place, remaining in centre, 2s facing 3s. 1(2)(3)4
9-12 2s+3s dance ½ LH across while 1s and 4s set facing in diagonally, 1s+3s also 2s+4s change places RH. 3142
13-16 1s+4s dance ½ LH across while 2s and 3s set facing in diagonally, 3s+4s also 1s+2s change places RH. (4)32(1)
17-24 RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 3s+2s (middle couples) dance ½ R&L (no polite turn); 4s+2s (top couples) also 3s+1s (bottom couples) dance ½ R&L. 2413

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Instruction Videos

Fran MacCulloch - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This strathspey, Fran MacCulloch, was devised by John Bowie Dickson while he was in Montréal and it was to honour my mother, Fran MacCulloch, who was a founding member of the RSCDS Montréal Branch.

(Dance information by Phyllis MacCulloch (RSCDS Ottawa))

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