Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Gentle Jig

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A GENTLE JIG (J4x48) 4C Set Hugh Ferguson Bristol 40th Anniversary Book

1- 8 1M+2L set and change places RH; 1L+2M set and change places LH. (2)(1)34
9-16 1s+2s dance Set and Rotate:
 Set, rotate singly and dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides and dance on 1 place to own sides. (1)(2)34
17-24 1s+4s cross and cast into centre (2s and 3s step up/down); 1s+4s dance ½ RH across and set
25-32 All dance parallel RSh reels of 4 on the sides. 2(4)1(3)
33-36 2s and 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 down round 3s and 4s. 2413
37-40 4s+1s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance ½ mirror reels of 3 on the sides (1s in/up to start, 4s out/down, 3s out/up, giving hands where possible). Bar 39: 4s turn toward each other and face up facing 1s in the middle with nearer hands joined
41-48 1s+4s dance Half Rondel:
 1s dance down under the arch made by 4s who dance up, Ladies cross in front of Men and all cast to meet the other Lady or Man on the opposite side and join nearer hands, set on opposite sides of the dance and cross RH back to own sides. 2341

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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