Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


Scottish Country Dance Instruction

GIGALUM (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Moira Stacey Gigha Set

1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across, 1s cast and 2s dance up to top and face out
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides, 2s cast, 3s out/up, 1s in/down to start. 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners
17-24 'Hello-Goodbye' setting. 1s end BtoB, 1M facing 2s, 1L facing 3s
25-32 1M+2s and 1L+3s dance RH across. 1s end in 2nd place opposite side; 1s turn RH 1½ to 2nd place own side. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Gigalum Island or Gigalum is a tiny, private uninhabited island off the southeast coast of Gigha (pronounced "gee-uh or geeya with a hard 'g' ") in Scotland.

Gigalum has a modern house in the middle, and gives its name to the strait between it and the main island, "Caolas Gigalum". There is also the "Gigalum Rocks" a reef to the east, and about one mile (1.5 kilometres) north-northeast of Gigalum Island itself, "Sgeir Gigalum". It is also flanked by another islet, "Eilean na h-Uilinn", literally "Island of the Elbow".

Gigalum Island
View Towards Gigalum Island, Off The South-East Coast Of Gigha, In The Inner Hebrides

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Text from this original Gigalum Island article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Bob Jones under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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