Gill With A "G"
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
GILL WITH A "G" (S4x32) 4C Set Richard Francis Class Of '131- 8 1M+2L also 3L+4M set and cross RH. 1L+2M also 3M+4L set and cross RH to end facing out
9-16 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance a Mixed Chain:
1s and 2s dance movements of a Men's Chain
9-10 1M+2L cross LH while 2M+1L curve to the right to dance to vacant place
11-12 1s+2s turn RH (1M+2L finish diagonally opposite their starting place and 2M+1L finish facing out as at bar 9)
13-14 Repeat bars 9-10
15-16 1M turns 2M RH and 2L turns 1L RH
3s and 4s dance movements of a Ladies' chain
9 -10 4M+3L cross RH also 4L+3M curve to their left to dance to vacant place
11-12 3s+4s turn LH (4M+3L finish diagonally opposite their starting place and 4L+3M finish facing out)
13 -14 Repeat bars 9-10
15 -16 4M turns 3M LH and 4L turns 3L LH
17-24 1s+4s+3s set and link for 3 twice while 2s stand for 4 bars, 2s cross RH and set
25-32 All circle 8H round and back. 2341
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
GILL WITH A "G" A strathspey for four couples
1-8 1st man and 2nd lady set and cross RH while 3rd lady and 4th man set and cross RH (Bars 1-4). 1st lady and 2nd man set and cross RH while 3rd man and 4th lady set and cross RH (Bars 5-8) and finish facing out.
Finish in order 2143 all on opposite sides.
9-16 2nd and 1st couple, 4th and 3rd couple dance a mixed chain:
1st man and 2nd lady, giving LH, cross over to pass each other. At the same time, 2nd man and 1st lady, curving out to their right, dance towards vacant place (bars 9-10). 1st and 2nd couple turn RH. 1st man and 2nd lady finish diagonally opposite their starting place and 2nd man and 1st lady finish where they started facing out (bars 11-12). Repeat bars 9 and 10 (bars 13-14). 1st man turns 2nd man and 2nd lady turns 1st lady RH and all finish in starting positions (bars 15-16).)
4th man and 3rd lady, giving RH, cross over to pass each other. At the same time, 4th lady and 3rd man, curving out to their left, dance towards vacant place (bars 9-10). 3rd and 4th couple turn LH. 4th man and 3rd lady finish diagonally opposite their starting place and 4th lady and 3rd man finish where they started facing out (bars 11-12). Repeat bars 9 and 10 (bars 13-14). 4th man turns 3rd man and 4th lady turns 3rd lady LH and all finish in starting places (bars 15-16).
Basically, couples 1 and 2 are dancing the movements of a men's chain and couples 3 and 4 are dancing the movements of a ladies chain.
17-24 1st couple, 4th couple and 3rd couple set and link for 3 twice. 2nd couple cross RH and set on bars 21-24.
25-32 8 hands round to the left and back.
Finish in the order 2341 and repeat
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Richard Francis, for the Unit 5 Class at Summer School, July 2013)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Devised (with the assistance of the Sutton Coldfield class) for Gill Jennings, teacher and my Teaching Certificate mentor, in appreciation of her enthusiasm and efforts in teaching Scottish country dancing to the Sutton Coldfield Branch, RSCDS.(Dance information by the deviser, Richard Francis, 2013)
Published in Class of '13, Richard Francis, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Richard Francis, 2023.
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