Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Gillian And Joe Wheadon

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Gillian And Joe Wheadon 32 bar Strathspey for 4 couples Rod Downey The Golden Bear Collection
A 32 bar strathspey for 4 couples.

1-4 1C and 2C, 3C and 4C dance 4 hands once round.
5-8 1C and 3C petronella and set in a line up and down the set.
9-12 1C and 3C dance ½ a reel of 4 up and down the set, and hence finish in a line with 3M facing 3L at the top and 1M facing 1L at the bottom.
13-16 1C, 3C set and petronella out to own sides 3C in first place, 1C in third place.
17-20 All set on sidelines and cross RH to opposite sides.
21-24 Repeat back to place.
25-32 All dance a Double Rose from their current positions.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)

Dance Notes

The Double Rose

This is a variation on the Rose Progression from the Cane Toad Collection.

It is described below for people in standard positions.

In Gillian and Joe Wheadon, 1C and 3C are in swapped positions resulting a progression 4,1,2,3.

1-2 1M and 2M take hands and set to 3W and 4W on the diagonal 1M and 4W advancing slightly on the second setting step.
while 1W following 2W, 4M following 3M the two ladies pass the two men by collective right shoulder finishing with 2W facing up in 3M place 1W behind, and similarly 3M facing down in 2W place, 4M behind.
3-4 1M and 3W, 2M and 4W half turn with both hands to finish facing on the diagonal with hands joined while 1W dances up to 2M's place, while 2W dances up to 1M's place and similarly the men down, finishing with 3M in 4W's place and 4M in 3W's place. 3M and 2W should be slightly in from the sidelines, so all are momentarily in two diagonal lines of 4, the men facing up and the ladies down. (This depends on the size of the set. If the set was not large, 3M and 2W could be on the sidelines.)
5-6 1M, 2M, 3W, 4W cast pulling back RS and dance out more or less to the sidelines, to the places hitherto occupied by the person they turned.
That is 1M into 3W place, and 2M into 4W place, and face clockwise.
while 1W and 3M, 2W with 4M half turn with both hands to finish facing each other on the diagonal with hands joined. (This movement resembles that in Culla Bay)
7-8 1M and 2M dance a clockwise chase through the bottom of the set finishing in, respectively, 4M and 3M place; the ladies similarly at the top, dance a chase across to their own sides and finish 4L in first place and 3L in second.
while 1W, 3M, 2W and 4M cast pulling back RS finishing in the places hitherto occupied by the people they did the half turn with, across from their partner; this time all finish on sidelines.
The finishing order is 4,3,2,1. (NOTE: In the present dance, the finishing order is 4,1,2,3.)

Repeat 3 more times.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Rod Downey)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This strathspey, Gillian And Joe Wheadon, was devised on 13 July 2018 and Modified to actually work on 20/8/2018.

Gillian and Joe Wheadon have been very kind to us in our German visits. Being tour guides, driving us everywhere and being great fun. This is a present for them.

The recommended tune is "Red Plaid" (traditional) and I particularly like the set "Red Plaid/The Iron Man/The Banks of Spey" from Peter Elmes recording of "Glenys Pearce's Strathspey" from the Lochiel Collection.

Should this not be available, I would recommended the tune "Miss Janet Laing's Strathspey" by Nan Main, and either of the society's recordings for book 22 would be good.

Failing that use any reasonable recording of "The Balmoral Strathspey".

(Dance information from The Golden Bear Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)

Published in The Golden Bear Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.

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