Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Ginzton Frolic

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE GINZTON FROLIC (R3x40) 3C set Jennifer Kelly San Francisco Collection
2s start on opposite sides

1- 8 All set on sides, dance Do-Si-Do with partners, all set
9-12 All Men dance RH Across
13-16 All Ladies dance LH Across, finishing facing out
17-24 All set, nearer hands joined in 'circle' (Triple Triangles). All change places RH to "invert" (Men facing out, Ladies facing in), Set, change places LH to "invert" (Men facing in, Ladies out)
25-32 All set, all change places with RH, all set, all change places LH into circle, all facing in. 3(1)2
33-40 Circle 6H round and back

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

The Ginzton Frolic 40 bar Reel for 6 dancers Three times through Jennifer Kelly
The sets are formed with two lines of three facing each other - ideally a man with a woman on either hand facing a woman with a man on either hand, that is, a three couple set with the active couple in the middle on the wrong side. These instructions are given for a set so formed, as in Figure 1.

1-2 All set.
3-6 All dance back to back.
7-8 All set.
9-12 All three men dance right hands across in a wheel once round back to place.
13 - 16 All three women dance left hands across in a wheel once round finishing back to back in the middle facing out.
17 - 18 All join hands and set in triple triangle position as in Figure 2.
19 - 20 All change place by the right hand to finish with the men back to back in the center and the women facing in.
21 - 24 Repeat bars 17 - 20, except change place by the left hand.
25 - 28 Repeat bars 17 - 20, changing by the right hand.
29 - 32 Repeat bars 17 - 20, changing by the left hand and finishing ready for a circle as in Figure 3.
 Notice that for the last 16 bars, the women have progressed steadily clockwise and the men, anticlockwise.
33 - 40 All circle six hands round and back, finishing as in Figure 4 having progressed one place.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Jennifer Kelly, 1979 - copyright 1979 by Jennifer Kelly. All rights reserved)

The Ginzton Frolic, figures 1 to 4

Dance Instruction Videos

The Ginzton Frolic - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This reel, The Ginzton Frolic, was devised by Jennifer Kelly for Nancy Ginzton and her family.

To Frolic, means to play/gambol/romp merrily in a frisky, light-hearted manner - to have fun.

Frolic in San Francisco
Dogs Frolicking In San Francisco's Marina

Here is the original crib for The Ginzton Frolic by Jennifer Kelly, published in the San Francisco Collection, also available as a .pdf The Ginzton Frolic (Portable Document Format).
Dance crib from The San Francisco Collection - Copyright 1979, 1980 by the San Francisco Branch, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. All rights reserved.
Image copyright (cropped) Nancy Wong, Creative Commons Licence 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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