Girardet House
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
GIRADET HOUSE (S4x32) Sq.Set Francis Carr EMO 15th Anniversary1- 8 1s+3s dance ½ R&L, 2s+4s dance ½ R&L
9-16 All Men dance RH across finishing in places, all Ladies dance LH across finishing in middle facing partners
17-24 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance double reels of 4 (all give LH in centre)
25-32 All dance Circle Knot:
25-26 Couples turn partners RH ½ way to end facing anticlockwise in Allemande position, the Lady having turned clockwise under her partner's arm
27-28 All promenade anticlockwise 1 place round
29-30 Couples drop Right hands, Ladies dancing in to middle of set
31-32 All couples turn partners LH to new position facing in
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Girardet House - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Girardet House (dance title originally misspelled as Giradet) is the name chosen by the deviser, after the building "Im Girardet Haus" in Essen, Germany.In 2005, the deviser, Francis Carr, danced with the EMO Dancers SCD Group, an RSCDS Affiliated Group in Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
At the time Girardet House had a pub where the EMO dancers went after their training sessions nearby.
Girardet House, (Girardetstrasse 2 38, 45131 Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen Deutschland) was built in 1994 and used as a printing works, renovated into a hotel in 2006 and has since hosted many Scottish Country Dance events.
Luftaufnahme Essen Innenstadt, Südviertel - 3.7km Due North Of Girardetstrasse, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Image copyright Drdavid41, Creative Commons Licence 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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