Glen Cova
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
GLEN COVA (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Shirley Veale Centennial Collection1- 8 1s lead down between 2s, cross, cast behind 3s, lead up, cross, cast behind 2s back to place
9-16 1s+2s dance Poussette, 1s end BtoB in centre facing own sides as for Double Triangles
17-18 2s+1s+3s set once, taking hands
19-20 1s dance out to sides turning to face in while 2s+3s advance, pass LSh to end BtoB with partners in the centre still facing same way
21-22 2s+1s+3s set, joining hands in triangle
23-24 2s+1s+3s advance, 1s finish in centre facing up, 2s/3s on opposite sides facing down/up
25-32 All dance 6 bar mirror reels of 3 on the sides, 1s lead up and cross to start, 2s dance in and down, 3s dance out and up. All cross RH to own sides. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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