Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


Scottish Country Dance Instruction

GLENFESHIE (J80) Sq.Set Lily Davison Glenfeshie book 1

1- 8 All circle 8H round and back
9-16 Ladies dance R&L (1L+2L also 3L+4L cross RH to start)
17-24 Men repeat 9-16
25-40 Poussettes:
 25-32 1s+3s Poussette inside set to change places. 3214
 33-40 2s+4s Poussette inside set to change places. 3412
 (In Poussette Ladies dance backwards to start and finish on partner's left)
41-44 1s+3s advance, join RH with opposite and dance out through side couples (1L+3M between 2s in 4th place, 1M+3L between 4s in 2nd place)
45-48 1L and 3L cross in front of 'new partner' and cast back to original place. 1432
49-56 2s and 4s repeat 41-48 (2L+4M between 1s, 2M+4L between 3s). 1234
57-64 All dance Grand Chain
65-72 Ladies join RH in centre, LH with partner and all dance RH across once round. Bar 72: all turn right about and take promenade hold with partner
73-80 All promenade round anticlockwise. Ladies remain in centre for bow/curtsey

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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